I threw out my team’s tabs because they were stupid.
The Renata Adler of Poseidon's Undersea Kingdom.
Did an Elder God write this? If an Elder God wrote this you have to say.
Try to employ curiosity gap and not give away too much in the inbox. We want them to click to read the piece.
A once-proud institution, brought low by "Gen Z sass."
Welcome to Lee Greenwood's Holy U.S.A. America Tabs.
F/u means "follow-up" apparently. My apologies for any past misunderstanding.
What the hell is a flush ponytail.
What is going on with shipping?
Scandal in the Goop for Bros industry.
Princess Kate found (sad), and an open thread about websites.
EXCitInG oPpOrtuniTy IN tHe DaILy musiC spACe