Be A Today in Tabs Intern!

Season Eight Internships Are Open

The world-famous Tabs intern program began as a joke between me and the original intern (now Tabs Senior Contributing Editor) Bijan Stephen. But it turned out to be so much fun to have another voice in the newsletter and another view of the tabs that it went on to become an actual thing I do for real. Past interns include Vicky Mochama, Karen K. Ho, and Meera Lee Patel. I can’t promise you a successful media career (is there such a thing anymore?), but I can promise that you’ll have your name and work in front of a significant chunk of the media industry, and you’ll end the month better at your craft than you started it.

Prospective Interns: 

The deal is that you write an intern tab every day, Monday through Thursday, during your internship month. An intern tab is 200-400 words (or thereabouts) on some link or topic of our mutual choosing, and I don’t care what you do with the rest of your time. For this you will be paid the princely sum of $1500 U.S. dollars total. I’m especially interested in applications from beginning journalists who could use a wider audience, women, people of color, and (for some reason?) Canadians. Past Tabs interns have gone on to enormous fame and success1 and generally have had most of their problems and anxieties solved by this terrific opportunity.2 Traditionally you graduate by writing a whole Tabs on the last Friday of your month.

To Apply: Email [email protected] with two (2) sample intern tabs. The first should be an introduction of yourself, and the second should be an example of the kind of thing you would write. Don’t forget that you don’t have infinity words! Try very hard to keep them both in the 200-400 range, and the closer to the low end of that the better. Do me a favor and put "TABS INTERN" in the subject line too. Please don’t ask if it’s ok to apply, or promise me you’re going to apply later, or feel out whether I’m interested in your application! I am! Just apply! It’ll be great, I promise.

If you’re not a writer but have some other art or craft that could work, please apply! Intern Meera did drawings, and it was great. I’d love a cartoonist, but I’m pretty open to any wild ideas. Surprise me.

Scheduling: I will be looking for interns for April, May, October, and November. If one specific month works best or doesn’t work for you, please let me know.

Deadline: I’ll take applications through Sunday, March 5th. It's plenty of time! But don't put it off too long, you know? I will mention it again before then, don’t worry.


or to participate.